Monday, August 3, 2009

Whats New?

Whats new? This blog is new! I hope to add something new each day that Main Street Media doesn't want to talk about. They like to keep us all in the dark at times. (I shrug) maybe for our own saftey, I know not. But sometimes I feel like I gotta let it all out, you know!??

I hate alot of things. Religion is #1 on my list, so all you religious, rightous hypocrites can just go elsewhere to get their dose of hate for the day. Can I swear in this blog? God Damn I fucking hope so, cuz, I gotta watch my words all day long and damned if I gotta watch em here.

I don't like the way the new flu has come about. Everything about it is suspect. You may want to call me a conspiracy theorist, I don't use that term, I call me a critical thinker. I won't be getting the vaccination. I'd rather die than be some rich contractors gin pig. Now they say they aren't going to keep track of how many people are getting the flu. Why not??? If california has a huge explosion of swine flu, I might not want to go there for vacation. Maybe I read it wrong, but whenever the government decides what to publish, its never good when they get quiet on certain things, thats when things can fester. Anyhoo, I'll try to write everyday on stuff you don't hear about and I'll give my very new mad blog movie reviews.